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Me: Hello. Can I help you?
CustomerA: For me, steak.
Me: How cooked?
CustomerA: Before medium.
Me: Medium rare?
CustomerA: Blood, blood.
Me: Rare?
CustomerA: Rare is blood?
Me: Yes, it's blood inside. Blue, rare, medium rare are "before medium".
CustomerA: Ok. For me, rare. For her medium rare.
Me: Chips or mash?
CustomerA: Hmm, chips. 
CustomerB: For me, mash.
Me: Any sauce?
CustomerA: Yes. For me, mushroom.
CustomerB: For me, pepper sauce.
Me: Ok. I got two steaks. First one is rare, chips and salad, mushroom sauce?
CustomerA: For me, yes.
Me: Second one is medium rare, mash and salad, pepper sauce?
CustomerB: For me, yes.
Me: Anything else?
CustomerA: No.
Me: Thank you. Twenty dollers please.
080309.jpgMe:  ← (・_ ・*))))
Me: Excuse me, have you finished?
Customer: No, I haven't finished yet. LOL.
Me: ( ̄- ̄;)

Me: Excuse me, did you enjoy your meal?
Customer: No, that was bloody terrible. LOL. Just kidding! 
Me: ( ̄○ ̄;)

Me: Excuse me, did you enjoy your steak?
Customer: No, I didn't like it. Can I please have a second steak? LOL.
Me: ( ̄皿 ̄;)

Me: Hello, how are you? What would you like?
Customer: Do you have skim milk?
Me: Yes we have.
Customer: That's good. Can I have a skim milk decaf cappuccino?
Me: Sure, no worries.

Me: Hello, how are you? What would you like?
Customer: Do you have coffee?
Me: Yes we do. What kind of coffee would you like?
Customer: What kind?? Coffee,,,. White coffee please.
Me: Which would you like to have? Cappuccino, flat white or latte?
Customer: Ohhh, ok, ok, ok. I understand. Can I have a latte please.
Me: Sure. No problem.

Me: Hello, how are you? What would you like?
Customer: Can I have a soy latte?
Me: Sorry, we are out of soy today.
Customer: Ahh noo. Ok, do you have skim milk?
Me: Yes we have.
Customer: Can I have a skim latte? Can you make extremely hot?
Me: Sure. No worries.

Me: Hello, how are you? What would you like?
Customer: Can I have a strong mugcchino?
Me: Of course you can.
Customer: Can you make more frothy?
Me: Sure. No worries.

Me: Hello, how are you? What would you like?
Customer: Can I have a cappuccino without chocolate top?
Me: Sure. No worries.

Me: Hello, how are you? What would you like?
Customer: Hmmmmmm.....
Me: Do you need help?
Customer: Hmmmmmm..... nnnNooo.
Me: ...
Customer: ...Can I have this? This, this.
Me: Short black?
Customer: Yes.
Me: Sure.

Me: Here is your short black.
Customer: .... (@_@;) ....

Customer: え~?これ?ちっちゃ~、、、。(That's small,,,)

Me: ( ̄□ ̄;)あっ、日本人の方でしたか? (Ohh, are you Japanese?)

Customer: (@д@) えっ?日本人?(Wow. Japanese?)

Me: ショートブラックはエスプレッソと同じなんですよ~。(Short black is same as espresso.)

Customer: あ~、そうだったんですか?ロングとショートだったからカップが大きいのと小さいのだと思いました~。
(Ah, I see. I thought "long" and "short" are "big size" or "small size".)

Me: 日本で普通に飲まれているコーヒーだとロングブラックになりますけど、ロングブラックの方がよかったですか?
( If you would like "coffee" than its the same as long black here. Do you want a long black? )

Customer: いいんですか? じゃ~、すみませんけどロングブラックでお願いします。
(Really? Well, can I have a long black? Thank you.)

Me: いいですよ。すぐ作り直しますね。(No worries. I'll make your coffee right away.)

Customer: Excuse me.
Me: How can I help you?
Customer: Are you "GamSaHapNiDa"(カムサハムニダ) or "SheShe"(シェーシェー) or "Arigato"(アリガート)?
Me: LOL. I'm from Japan.
Customer: Ohh, are you Japanese?
Me: Yes I am.
Customer: Moshi Moshi, Ichiban, Sayonara!
Me: Have a good afternoon. (^_^;)/

Me: ( ̄□ ̄;)!!

Me: Hey, is it ok the customers are having take away sushi in the restaurant?
Manager: LOL. Really? Hmmm,,, are they having beer?
Me: Yeah, they ordered some beers.
Manager: That's ok. No worries.
Me: ( ̄◇ ̄;) Really?

Me: ( ̄□ ̄;)!!

Me: Hey, is it ok the customers are having hungry jacks in the restaurant? One customer ordered fish and chips though.
Manager: Hmmm,,, that's ok. No worries.
Me: ( ̄◇ ̄;) Really?

Me: ( ̄□ ̄;)!!

Me: Hey, is it ok a customer has their own alcohol in the restaurant?
Manager: Serious? Which customer is it?
Me: Over there.
Manager: Hmmm ok, We are not a BYO restaurant. I'll go talk with them.

Me: ( ̄□ ̄;)!!

Me: Hey, a customer is wearing only a bikini top.
Manager: Serious? Where is she? * ̄д ̄*
Me: Over there.
Manager: (◎-◎;)!!
WaiterA: w(( ̄ ̄0 ̄ ̄))w She is hot!
WaiterB: w(( ̄ ̄0 ̄ ̄))w Wow!
WaiterC: w(( ̄ ̄0 ̄ ̄))w

No worries? ( ̄△ ̄)
Manager: No no no.. LOL! Please ask her to put her clothes on! ∑( ̄皿 ̄;
Me: LOL!
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