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Subject: Day off Request Cyara

Hello XXX,

I'd like to take Mon 23th Dec and  24th Tue Dec off.
If needed I am available to work 27th and 28th Dec as well as 3rd and 4th of January weekends.

Thank you,
休みを取りたい場合、一般的に2週間前には担当者に通知しなければならないという義務がありTwo Weeks Notice」と言います。ここ最近はメールで通知しなければならない事が多くなりました。

Subject: Day off Request Cyara

Hello XXX,

I'd like to take Saturday 25th May off to attend my friends wedding.

Thank you,
(at the till)

Me: Hello how are you? How can I help you?
Customer: Can I have a fried egg?
Me: ... just a fried egg?
Customer: Yes. Is it possible to order a fried egg?
Me: ...Well...I'm not sure, it's not on our menu. I'd better check with the chef for you.
Customer: Thanks.

(in the kitchen, very busy peak time)

Me: Excuse me!
Head chef: What do you want?!
Me: I have customer she is asking if you can serve a fried egg or not!
Head chef: A what?!?! A fried egg???
Me: Yeah! Just a fried egg!
Head chef: What?!?! Are you for sure??? Tell the customer to F**K OFF!!!
Me: You mean, you can't??
Head chef: ...charge them F***'in three dollars!!!
Me: Ok, thanks!!!

(in the floor)

Food runner: Here you are. (serve the fried egg to the customer.) Enjoy!
Customer: ...Excuse me. This egg is too runny for me. I want it cooked more. Can you ask the chef to cook both sides?
Food runner: I will ask them.
Customer: Thanks.

(in the kitchen)

Food runner: Excuse me!
Head chef: What do you want?!?!
Food runner: Customer wants this cooked both sides!
Head chef: It's not on the docket to cook turn over!  
Food runner: I know! The customer said she didn't ask but she doesn't like it this runny!
Head chef: F***'in customer!!! (threw the fried egg on the grill and grumbling)
Food runner: Thanks chef!

(Head chef yells to the till from the kitchen)

Head chef: No more extra orders! No more special requests!! No substitutions, please!!!
Me: Ok chef! (wry grin)
(at the till)

Me: Hello how are you? May I help you?
Customer: Can I have today's special, the Lobster Mornay?
Me: Sure. Anything else?
Customer: Can I also have extra mornay sauce? I really enjoy the sauce.
Me: I'm sorry, can you give me just a second, I need to check if there is an extra charge.

(in the kitchen)

Me: Excuse me, can you do extra sauce for the lobster?
Head chef: Yes we can.
Me: How much is the charge for extra sauce?
Head chef: It is two dollars, fifty cents.
Me: Ok, thanks!

(at the till)

Me: Thank you for waiting. They do extra sauce for the lobster. It is two dollars, fifty cents. Is that ok for you?
Customer: Two dollars fifty? Yeah that's ok. I'll take it.
Me: Ok, one lobster mornay with extra sauce, twenty seven dollars and fifty cents please.
Customer: Here you are. (Gave to me thirty dollars)
Me: Thanks, and here is your change (Gave customer two dollars, fifty cents change.)

(in the kitchen)

The customer's order was printed out and the chef saw the docket.

Head Chef: LOL!!!
Sous Chef: What's wrong?
Head Chef: Extra money sauce!
All kitchen staff:  LOL!!

Me (from the till to the kitchen): I can hear you guys! What's wrong???

Head Chef: You mixed up the words! M・O・R・N・A・Y! NOT MONEY!
Sous Chef: Ha ha! Extra sauce makes extra money, yes it is! LOL!
Me: LOL!

Can I have a CC and coke (シーシーアンドコーク)?


Can I have a JD and coke (ジェーディーアンドコーク)?


CC and cokeは、Canadian Club and Coke
JD and cokeは、Jack Daniels and Coke


Jack Daniels and Cokeは、

Jack and Coke
Jack n Coke
Jack and Cocacola
Jack daniels and Coke

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